• Description:

    Dr. Karusula recruiting students interested in HCI, health/wellbeing, and equity! Please read this page and refer to my past work to understand if there is a good fit; I will prioritize emails that engage with the criteria here. I welcome applications from anyone who connects with the themes of my work, regardless of background or career path.

    All students in the program receive the same degree regardless of their interest area, specialization, research focus or school affiliation. New students are affiliated with the school in which their advisor resides, but none of the schools impose any special requirements compared to another.

    As a research-oriented degree, the Ph.D. in Computer Science prepares exceptional students for careers at the cutting edge of academia, industry and government. Students are expected to demonstrate excellence in both defining and executing a substantial research project that forms a novel contribution to the state of the art in computing. With a highly individualized program of study, the degree provides students with depth in their chosen research area coupled with a rigorous breadth of knowledge across the discipline.



  • Fields

    • Computer Science

  • Qualifications

    • Master

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