• Description:

    Announcement of several fully funded PhD positions for Fall 2025, Boston University , Massachusetts. We will launch in Boston University’s Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences in July 2025.

    Research in the lab will focus on understanding developmental changes in value-guided learning, memory, and exploration from childhood to early adulthood. We hope to address questions like: Across development, how do we flexibly adapt our learning processes to the demands of varied contexts? How do we learn about the structure of the environment and then use that structural knowledge to guide subsequent learning and decision-making? How do we learn to learn over multiple timescales of experience?

    In general, research in the lab will be both developmental and computational. Because of this, students will be expected to have an interest in some aspect of development and a desire to learn computational methods (e.g., developing and fitting cognitive models; analyzing neuroimaging data). However, I view the Ph.D. as the opportune time for learning. You do not need to have any specific quantitative skills and you do not need to have experience conducting developmental research to be a competitive applicant to the lab.


  • Fields

    • Psychology

  • Qualifications

    • Master

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