• Description:

    The Terry Dryland Plant Recruitment Lab at Arizona State University is seeking a motivated graduate student at the MS level to start in the Fall of 2025. The student will join the School of Life Sciences with options to get a degree in Biology or Plant Biology and Conservation.


    Our lab is recruiting students with an interest in plant-climate interactions that are motivated to research climatic requirements/limits of plant recruitment in dryland systems. This project will specifically study plant reproduction in post-fire scenarios. We will use small-scale field experiments across climatic gradients to understand limits to native plant recruitment from seed following fire. These relationships will then be used with satellite imagery and climate models to forecast future viability of plant populations. This research has aims to improve our restoration efforts, but also informs us of important critical ecological relationships with climate and fire. Work in our lab provides experience that can be leveraged to continue a career in research or start a career in natural resource management.


    • Bachelor's degree in ecology or a related field
    • Enjoys the outdoors
    • Driving/camping experience


    To apply, please submit: a cover letter describing research interests and qualifications, a current Academic CV, and the full contact information for two references to Dr. Tyson Terry (Tyson.Terry@asu.edu). Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2024 and continue until positions are filled.

  • Fields

    • Biology

  • Qualifications

    • Bachelor

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