• Description:

    Dr. Melissa is accepting applications from interested applicants in Clinical Psychology Fall 2025 

    The goal of our graduate program is to provide Ph.D. candidates with a strong foundation in psychology as a discipline, in-depth knowledge of their chosen field, and research experiences that will allow them to make a unique contribution to science and society. 

    Our graduate Ph.D. program provides concentrations of study in three distinct, but interactive, areas: Clinical Psychology; Cognition and Neural Systems (CNS) and Social Psychology. We also offer two unique interdisciplinary minors that are open to graduate students from all disciplines: Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine; and Neuropsychology. While our graduate programs vary in specific contents and research methods, they all share basic goals that are compatible with our philosophy of providing students with outstanding science-centered education and in-depth research training to prepare the next generation of leaders in science and society.

  • Fields

    • Psychology

    • Social Science

  • Qualifications

    • Master

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