• Description:


    The University of Alabama chemists are engaged in a wide range of research projects that are nationally and internationally recognized. Because our faculty’s size is relatively small, each graduate student has the opportunity to broaden his or her background by interacting with faculty members and students who are working in a variety of areas of chemistry. Our students find that broad chemical interests are of great value to them when seeking positions in all areas of scientific inquiry.

    Graduate study in chemistry is a full-time job, so most students pursuing doctoral degrees in our programs receive full support as teaching assistants (TAs), as research assistants (RAs), or through University or external fellowships. Financial support is typically available only for PhD students in our program; MS students are generally not offered financial support at the time of admission.

    The current TA/RA stipend is $29,520, paid over 12 months. TA and RA positions also include a full tuition scholarship and health insurance coverage. The stipend is adjusted periodically; whenever adjustments are made, these apply also to students already in the program.

  • Fields

    • Biochemistry

    • Chemistry

  • Qualifications

    • Bachelor

    • Master

  • Share Position