• Description:

    The Earth system is changing due to the effects of climate change, and the Arctic and Greenland are changing even faster, making them sentinels of climate change. Those changes are related to increases in temperature and terrestrial fluxes to the coastal and shelf seas, which can further impact the overall ecology and biogeochemistry of those waters with potential implications to fisheries and other ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration. However, to be able to predict future scenarios, it is necessary to understand the current status of such processes, that still remain largely uncharted for the region given its remoteness.

    The PhD project is focused on marine microbial carbon cycling in Greenlandic waters. The project will use a combination of field observations and experimental work and will involve both working with available data from previous campaigns and collection of new samples/experiments through field work. You are also expected to lead the preparation of scientific publications towards ISI journals and share findings of your research with qualified professional audiences at conferences. Additionally, as part of the Danish PhD program you are expected to conduct an external research stay.

  • Fields

    • Biology

    • Marine Science

  • Qualifications

    • Master

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