• Description:

    All graduate degrees require a research-based thesis. In addition to graduate research projects in these areas, the department also participates actively in multidisciplinary MSc programs in Environmental Science and Computational Science. These programs are initiatives of the Faculty of Science, and offer thesis-based degrees as well as course-only degrees.

    MSc students are eligible to receive $20,000 per year, for two years in personal financial support. Ph.D. students are eligible to receive $21,800 per year, for four years in personal financial support. This support comes from a combination of fellowships from the School of Graduate Studies and contributions from the thesis supervisor. 

    Students may also be eligible to receive external financial support from scholarships, research funding organizations and industry-sponsored funds. For example, Canadian students with strong academic records can apply for NSERC Postgraduate Scholarships. To view a variety of other internal and external scholarships, please visit our Graduate Scholarships page. 

    Research Interests:

    1. Paleoecology
    2. Ancient Oceans
    3. Modern/Ancient shallow marine environments (nutrients, microplastics, terrestrial input)
    4.  Carbonate Sedimentology and Diagenesis
    5. Dolomite
  • Fields

    • Science

  • Qualifications

    • Bachelor

    • Master

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