• Description:

    The Ahmed lab is hiring at all levels. Ismail is an incoming Assistant Professor in the Department of Neurobiology at the University of Utah. He conducts research at the intersection of chemical biology and neuroscience. Specifically, he is interested in determining how neuropeptide signaling modulates behavior and physiology in the context of both health and disease. To this end, he is working on developing a suite of novel chemical and molecular tools that can track and manipulate neuropeptides in real-time.


    Neuropeptides; Oxytocin; Vasopressin; Neuroplasticity; Neuromodulation; Maternal Behavior; Maternal Physiology; Social Behavior; Chemical Biology; Neurotechnology; Tool Development; Neuropsychiatric Disorders 

    Additionally, Ismail enjoys synergistic collaborations to develop novel chemical tools to study the brain. He is happy to chat about your science and any tools you may need. 

    Do not hesitate to reach out Email:  ismail.ahmed@neuro.utah.edu

  • Fields

    • Neurobiology

    • Neuroscience

  • Qualifications

    • Master

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