• Description:

    KAIST offers a simple but generous scholarship program to international students.

    KAIST Scholarship supports tuition fees and provides stipends to 94 percent of the international students.
    Subsidized by research participation, most of our students have found themselves financially independent from their homes.

    A. Eligibility Requirement
    Those who apply for graduate degree programs through the KAIST International Graduate Admission cycles
    Those who meet the eligibility requirements of the application
    All the KAIST graduate degree programs are supported by KAIST Scholarship, including cooperated scholarship programs, except for Global Technology Innovation Program (GDI-GTIP Track).

    B. Scholarship Package
    Tuition Grant: 4 semesters for Master’s degree candidates, 10 for Master’s-Ph.D. integrated degree candidates, 8 semesters for Ph.D. degree candidates
    Monthly Stipend Guarantee: KRW 350,000 for Master’s programs and KRW 400,000 for Ph.D. programs
    Master’s-Ph.D. Integrated degree candidate will receive the guaranteed rate of the course route (KRW 350,000 to KRW 400,000)
    Monthly National Health Insurance Premium: actual cost
    Grants may vary by candidate based on performance and research project participation.

    C.Application Dates and Procedures
    Dates: the same as the online application term
    Procedures: Tick KAIST Scholarship during the online application

    D. Selection Criteria
    Prior performance, future promise, and potential contribution to the KAIST community

  • Fields

    •  Tourism

    • Aerospace Engineering

    • Agricultural Science

    • Agricultural Science

    • Archaeology and Ancient History

    • Artificial Intelligence

    • Astrophysics

    • Biochemistry

    • Biological Sciences

    • Biology

    • Biomedical Science

    • Building Technology

    • Chemical Engineering

    • Chemistry

    • Civil Engineering

    • Computer Engineering

    • Computer Science

    • Criminology

    • Data Science

    • Dentistry

    • Ecology

    • Economics

    • Education

    • Engineering

    • Entrepreneurship

    • Environmental Science

    • Epidemiology

    • Food science Technology

    • Forestry

    • French

    • Geography

    • Geosciences

    • Health Science

    • History

    • History of Art and Film

    • Horticulture

    • Hospitality and Management

    • Human Resources

    • Humanities

    • IT

    • Journalism

    • Journalism

    • Law

    • Library

    • Linguistics

    • Literature

    • Machine Learning

    • Management

    • Marine Science

    • Marketing

    • Material Engineering

    • Material Science

    • Mathematics

    • Mechanical Engineering

    • Media

    • Medicine

    • Microbiology

    • Modern Languages

    • Museum Studies

    • Music

    • Neurobiology

    • Neuroscience

    • Nursing

    • Office Technology Management

    • Peace and Conflict

    • Pharmaceutical Science

    • Philosophy

    • Physics

    • Physiology

    • Political Science

    • Politics and International Relations

    • Psychiatry

    • Psychology

    • Public Health

    • Public Policy

    • Science

    • Social Science

    • Social Welfare

    • Social work

    • Sociology

    • Soil Science

    • Space Science

    • Sport Science

    • Theology

    • Transportation Science

    • Wild-life management

    • Zoology

  • Qualifications

    • Bachelor

    • Master

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