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Essential components of a Statement of Purpose (SOP)

  • By: Scholarships Cafe

What is a Statement of Purpose (SOP)?

A short essay that describes:

(i) Who you are/motivation (credentials)

(ii) Your rationale for applying to a university (intent)

(iii) Soft & Hands-on skills

(iv) Your future plan

Part I: Introduction 

-Your interest/motivation for graduate study

- You can connect this with your long-term goals 

-  This should be short and concise

Part II : Summarize your undergraduate or graduate study projects 

- Research you conducted

- Publications or thesis project-short summary and contribution to knowledge

- Work/ hands-on experience

- Avoid unrelated work or research experience

Part III: Discuss the relevance of your experiences to the future position 

-  Working experience

-  Soft skills (volunteering, communication, and leadership skills, etc)

-  Highlight the connection to your intended study/long-term goal

Part IV: Why the university or program?

-You can include a statement problem as the basis of your curiosity and be confident that the faculty/ department has the necessary platform to solve this

- Focus on how the intended course of study or targeted group aligns with your interest

-Mention the name of at least 1 faculty member that you would like to work with ( importance of cold emailing before you start)

Part V: Conclusion

End with a positive note

Tips to note 

- Stay away from  informal language

- Your statement of purpose shouldn't have any spelling or grammatical errors

- Use strong, clear, and concise writing- not fictional 

- Avoid cliches and repetitive language

-Stay away from  informal language

- Keep a positive and confident tone

  - Avoid stories that touch/ emotional blackmail (I had no food or water while growing up)

  - Approximately 500 to 1000 well-selected words and not more unless otherwise stated