• Description:

    A prestigious opportunity is available for MSc or PhD candidates to work on a cutting-edge research project at the Department of Mechanical Engineering under the guidance of Associate Professor Fabian Denner. The project focuses on developing advanced simulation methodologies for the processing of graphite particles, crucial for lithium-ion battery applications. Candidates with a strong background in fluid dynamics, numerical modeling, and programming are encouraged to apply.

    The successful candidates will work on developing a novel simulation methodology based on the Euler-Euler method to predict the solid-fluid flow of non-spherical graphite particles. This project involves:

    1. MSc: Developing, implementing, and validating the Euler-Euler method for non-spherical particles.
    2. PhD: Developing, implementing, and validating the Euler-Euler method for high-performance computing, developing stochastic models for graphite particle properties, and conducting full-process simulations in collaboration with industrial partners.


    • Strong academic background in fluid dynamics and numerical modeling
    • Programming experience, preferably in C++
    • Proactive, team-oriented, and curiosity-driven work attitude
    • Affinity for numerical modeling and machine learning
    • Good written and verbal communication skills in English and/or French
    • For PhD: Master’s degree in mechanical, aerospace, chemical engineering, or a related discipline

    Interested candidates should contact Fabian Denner by email with the subject line “[Application] Particles”.

  • Fields

    • Aerospace Engineering

    • Chemical Engineering

    • Mechanical Engineering

  • Qualifications

    • Bachelor

    • Master

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