• Description:

    The President's International Scholarship of Excellence will be awarded to international high school applicants who are entering their first year of a four-year undergraduate degree program at York University and demonstrate academic excellence, commitment to volunteer work and extracurricular activities, and leadership skills. A minimum 80% (A) final admission average is required for consideration. Financial need may also be considered in the selection process. Recipients will represent a variety of regions around the world and will be referred to as "President's International Scholars". This scholarship will be renewable for an additional three years of full-time study or until degree completion (whichever comes first) provided the recipient completes a minimum of 24 credits each Fall/Winter session with a minimum sessional grade point average of 6.0. If recipient's immigration status changes at any time while studying at York and they are exempted from paying international fees for any reason, the value of this award will be adjusted to reflect domestic tuition fee values. This scholarship cannot be held in conjunction with the York University Continuing Student Scholarship.

    Value: 20 international awards valued at $180,000 ($45,000 x 4 years)
    Apply via the online application form at https://futurestudents.yorku.ca/international-scholarship-application.  A minimum 'A' average or equivalent (York factor 8 or 9) must be considered. The application form consists of a personal statement from the applicant (no more than 3000 characters), a financial profile, a list of activities and volunteer experiences, and one letter of reference. Applicants not chosen for the President's International Scholarship of Excellence will automatically be considered for other international entrance scholarships including the Liberal Arts & Professional Studies International Undergraduate Leadership Scholarship (if applicable)

  • Fields

    •  Tourism

    • Accounting

    • Aerospace Engineering

    • Agricultural Science

    • Agricultural Science

    • Anthropology

    • Archaeology and Ancient History

    • Architecture and Design

    • Artificial Intelligence

    • Arts and Culture

    • Astrophysics

    • Banking and Finance

    • Biochemistry

    • Biological Sciences

    • Biology

    • Biomedical Science

    • Building Technology

    • Business and Economics

    • Chemical Engineering

    • Chemistry

    • Civil Engineering

    • Communication

    • Computer Engineering

    • Computer Science

    • Criminology

    • Data Science

    • Dentistry

    • Ecology

    • Economics

    • Education

    • Engineering

    • Entrepreneurship

    • Environmental Science

    • Epidemiology

    • Food science Technology

    • Forestry

    • French

    • Geography

    • Geosciences

    • Health Science

    • History

    • History of Art and Film

    • Horticulture

    • Hospitality and Management

    • Human Kinetics

    • Human Resources

    • Humanities

    • IT

    • Journalism

    • Journalism

    • Law

    • Library

    • Library and Information Science

    • Linguistics

    • Literature

    • Machine Learning

    • Management

    • Marine Science

    • Marketing

    • Material Engineering

    • Material Science

    • Mathematics

    • Mechanical Engineering

    • Media

    • Medicine

    • Microbiology

    • Modern Languages

    • Museum Studies

    • Music

    • Neurobiology

    • Neuroscience

    • Nursing

    • Nutrition

    • Office Technology Management

    • Peace and Conflict

    • Pharmaceutical Science

    • Philosophy

    • Physics

    • Physiology

    • Plant Science

    • Political Science

    • Politics and International Relations

    • Psychiatry

    • Psychology

    • Public Health

    • Public Policy

    • Real Estate

    • Science

    • Social Science

    • Social Welfare

    • Social work

    • Sociology

    • Software Engineering

    • Soil Science

    • Space Science

    • Special Education

    • Sport Science

    • Supply Chain

    • Sustainable Development

    • Theology

    • Transportation Science

    • Urban Planning

    • Wild-life management

    • Zoology

  • Qualifications

    • High School

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